Is a lack of self-awareness destroying your team?

Hey, Reader,

Imagine this...

You’re in the middle of a team meeting that's erupted in quite a few disagreements. And suddenly one of your team members speaks up to say, "If we don't get this right, I'm out of here."

This often happens when team members struggle to align their different visions under one common goal. While this type of conflict isn't uncommon, it can destroy a team if it’s swept under the rug.

In fact, it reminds me of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - a concept developed by Patrick Lencioni.

These dysfunctions include a lack of trust, commitment, fear of conflict, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results.

But how is something like this resolved?

Well, it all boils down to self-awareness, the foundation upon which trust and unity are built. I often say that most times when someone doesn't trust other people, it's because they don't trust themselves.

Keeping that in mind, let me ask you a question…

Have you thought about the importance of self-awareness in the past month?

Without self-awareness, you or other team members can easily become defensive and blame others for mistakes, leading to internal conflict that can damage productivity.

Once you've developed self-awareness, the next step is to communicate authentically with your team. This means being honest and transparent about your thoughts and feelings, and actively listening to your teammates' perspectives as well. It also means addressing conflicts head-on - rather than avoiding them.

Now, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t an overnight fix. Building team unity takes time but it's worth it in the long run.

If you want to increase your self-awareness, I recommend taking the Maxwell Method DISC Personality Assessment. It's an amazing tool that will help you uncover your unique strengths, motivation factors, ideal work environment, and more!

Click here to start the assessment.

OR, if you’re ready to improve your team's dynamics or get your team on track to becoming a high-performing team, let's have a chat. HIT reply to this email to schedule a conversation.

Cheers to your maximized growth,


P.S. Strong teams are built on trust and communication. If you're committed to having a high-performing team, let's chat about how to achieve it. Simply reply to this email to schedule a call with me.

Maximized Growth, LLC

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